Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stone Angel and Wildlife

It's been a roller coaster week - ups and downs...
I put most of my effort this week in creating a stone angel. This is a rough "thumbnail" clay model.
I actually got the old crane truck to start, and moved this 1,500 piece of Indiana Limestone into the studio.
I cut (what will be) the bottom flat, and stood it upright.
After several days of work (in heat indexes above 100 degrees), I had this preformed sculpture. The model is in the foreground, for comparison.
Working full out in this heat took a lot out of me. I stayed inside this weekend and made improvements to an old clay sculpture. This piece is about the "push and pull" of mutual attraction.
...and speaking of "push me-pull you", these are the first fawns of the season to venture up near the studio.
...and continueing with the wildlife theme, we've been over run this year with rabbits.
If you want to see a lot of wildlife, then put out cracked corn. There is a morning dove, 3 baby turkeys and their mom, and a deer - all in the same picture.
I put together this fountain bubbler over a bucket of water with a pump, so that I could post a video of it running on youtube, which you can see by searching "Stele #1 fountain bubbler by Don Lawler". Baby raccoon not included.

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