Saturday, December 12, 2015

Sculpture Progress & Sculpture Dedication

We've had unusually warm weather for November and December.  I've made fast and furious progress on the bench for The Woodlands, Texas.  I'm hoping to be finished before it turns seriously cold or snowy.
On the last posted pictures of this project, I had placed the preformed block on the rail cart.  Next, I needed to get a large volume of stone out of the center of the sculpture - above the curved seat.  I cut 2 large notches on either side of the stone to be removed.  Then, I drilled holes from both sides along the line that I wanted to split out the block.
 I placed feathers and wedges into the holes and slowly built up pressure by hammering the wedges.
 You can see the 1,000 lb. block that I split from the bench in the lower right foreground.  I used a metal pry bar to flip the piece onto the ground.  That 1,000 lb. scrap stone will become another sculpture someday.
 I rolled the rail cart with the bench into the studio.  I used diamond blades on a 9" grinder to get the basic shape.
 I've now begun the laborious process of carving the leaves and branches of the trees.
 This is how it looks today - it's come a long way from the quarry block that I started with about 5 weeks ago.
 ...and this the view of the other side.  Most of the basic shapes have been formed.  Now comes the slow part of the project - constant refining anf finishing.
 November 24 was the date for the dedication of our 2 sculptures.  Left to right: Owensboro Mayor Ron Payne, myself, Executive Director of the Owensboro Museum of Fine Art Mary Bryan Hood, Meg White and Meg's sculpture "Escape".
Photo Jason Hayden
 Then, we all walked down the street to dedicate my sculpture "Oberon".  My favorite part of the dedication was afterwards when the Mayor gave Meg and myself a tour of the newly completed convention center - it's spectacular!.  Then we went to the Owensboro Museum of Fine Art and had a personal tour of their Christmas Show that features cultural artifacts from around the world.  This was a real treat for Meg and myself as we love art and artifacts.
Photo Jason Hayden

...and now for something completely different...
Meg snapped this photo of a Barred Owl that came up to the studio this week - a rare site in the daytime. (looking to take care of our squirrel-in-the-birdfeeder problem, no doubt).

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