Saturday, April 14, 2018

Bubble Bench Delivered and Installed

The weather finally cooperated to let me install my functional sculpture, "Bubble Bench".  (It had snowed here just a few days before!)
 Dereck Sheroan from JBB Inc. showed up with their 23 ton crane truck to take the bench to a private residence in Louisville, Kentucky on Tuesday April 10.  Meg took a video of it being loaded and I uploaded it to YouTube
 Way up there through the tree limbs is 2,400 lbs. of weeks and weeks of labor finding its way to the hard-to-reach site.  Nothing is easy.
 I was happy for the help at this end.  Many hands make light work.
 This may just be a temporary site for the piece....
 In the meantime, people can enjoy the piece where it is.
 I had a chance to check out how the landscaping was maturing around a functional sculpture of mine that had been commissioned a few years ago.  Everything is looking great!
I liked this picture that Meg took while at the site.
(all photos Meg White)

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