Friday, October 15, 2021

"If" - a sculpture inspired by Rudyard Kipling

A huge chunk of time and effort went into a new sculpture that was inspired by the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling.
The sculpture was created specifically in response to the line "If we meet Triumph and Disaster, and we treat the two imposters just the same...."
The sculpture shows the bright sun rising above the rain clouds (symbols for Triumph and Disaster).  The rain drops form a strange symbiosis with the fluted column that is a metaphor for Strength in the knowledge of the truth..
This is a garden-sized prototype for a monumental scale piece that I plan on financing myself - hopefully next year.  The large piece will be approximately 12'H x 4' x 4' when finished - with the quarry block weighing somewhere around 30,000 lbs..  I need to refine some proportions in a scale model this winter to determine the correct dimensions. (There are always things that I might do differently, if given the chance...).
This piece is Indiana Limestone, 39"H x 17" x 13" and weighs approx. 400 lbs.

Below are functional garden sculptures that were created on rainy days when I couldn't work outside on "For Tomorrow".

These are the best images that I have of "Wild Rose Bench" as it sold straight out of the studio.
another view...
a detail...
Indiana Limestone, 63"W x 22"H x 24"D
This birdbath is called "Morning Flight" and it has sold, as well.
Side view...
top view... Indiana Limestone, 21"H x 32"W x 27"D
I created a multi-pieced base for an existing vessel and renamed it to "No Limits".
alternate view...
top view... Indiana Limestone, 32"H x 35"W x 28"D

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