Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"Determination" functional stone sculpture

I've been remiss about posting updates on this blog.  I wish that I had a good excuse....
 About a year ago, I made this scale drawing for a functional sculpture titled "Truth".  It was inspired by the design for a compass as I see Truth as the direction to steer by...
 It was to be carved from the 4,000 lb. scrap that came off the end of "Magic Carpet Bench".  If you look closely, you can see the design drawn on the side with a red china marker.
Here's a link to a video when we moved the 4,000 lb. block into the shade and stood it upright:
and here's a video when I used a chainsaw to cut the notch from the block:
 One day last winter, I made this clay model for a sprout seat called "Determination" that fit perfectly into the pre-formed block for "Truth".  In my enthusiasm for the new design, I'm afraid that I carved the whole thing without taking hardly any progress pictures.  (I need to stop being lazy about documenting the sculptures in progress. )
 Here's the finished piece.  This is the exact image that is hanging on the wall of the Owensboro Museum of Fine Art in their RiverArtes III exhibition.
 Here's an alternate view...
 ...and walking around the piece.
I finished that sculpture about the 1st of June (?!)  … about the same time that I took this picture of the 1st baby raccoon to visit the studio this year.