Saturday, November 24, 2018

"Enthusiasm" stone sculpture

Last June, I split off 2,000 lbs. from a 10,000 lb. quarry block of Indiana Limestone as I carved "River Fiddle Bench".
 It was too heavy to be moved by Meg's crane truck, so I decided to carve it right there where it lay.
 After a series of drawings and clay models, I came up with a design that I liked.  It was called "Enthusiasm" - where it is a bright and shiny sun breaking through the barrier of " stick-in-the-mud, everyday routine".  This concept was based on a reading from the Book of Changes by the same name.  It is typical of my fascination with Dualities; Enthusiasm without Discipline will dissolve into Unbridled Mirth - Discipline without Enthusiasm is Drudgery.  The 2 need each other to keep a balance.
 I carved weight off the side and cut the bottom flat.  Then, Meg used her truck to stand it upright.
 I carved a deep hole behind the Sun shape to create an interesting negative space.
 When, it was stood up, I could see that the back side was concave - I didn't have the stone to do my original idea...
 … so, I modified the design to work with the stone.  I'll re-work the design someday in clay and buy a quarry block to make the original design.... some day...
I thought that I'd have this piece finished by this time, but the weather hasn't been conducive to working outside (not if I don't have to, anyway...).  Hopefully, I'll post finished pictures before the end of the year.

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