I began with this piece of scrap from a previous commission. I thought that this 1,000 lb. piece of stone would make a good mushroom cap.

I ground the top into shape, rigged it up and...

flipped it over to carve the gills with a tooth-shaped chisel.

I found this piece of stone to use for the stem. I cut the bottom flat with a grinder. Then, I drilled a series of holes to split off the extra stone, using 'feathers and wedges'.

I made sure that the 2 pieces fit together before doing the final carving.

This is the final results: it won't fry up in butter, but it will sit 2 to 3 people comfortably.

Other news...we went to the recently re-opened Otter Creek Park. Meg snapped this photo of fractal-like backwater eddies in the creek.

We found this old section of dry-laid stone wall that was probably from the time when the mill was in operation on the creek. There was also a town close by, called "Plain Dealing" (circa 1790-1850?), which is totally non-existant now.

We found this hoof-shaped formation of flowstone along the cliff that borders the creek.

Today, we found 3 baby possums on the road near the end of our driveway. They were still clinging to the body of their mother who had got hit by a car. We took them to Monica Wilcox of Woodland Wildlife Rehabilitators. They do an enormous task on a shoe-string budget. Please send these people a donation - they perform miracles and have totally given up their lives to help distressed wildlife. Their website is www.woodlandwildlife.org

This is 1 of 5 baby flying squirrels that were brought in by electric line workers. (Their mother had chosen a bad place to make her nest).

These are 2 of 8 Barred Owls that she is caring for. She has many other animals in her care. (all photos copyright 2012 Meg White)
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