I didn't post last week, because I spent a lot of time installing a new compressor and finishing out the electric on the new stone studio. ( ...And all of that kind of stuff falls under the catagory of "Who Cares".)

Wednesday, we rented a box truck with a liftgate from Penske. We wanted to make sure that Meg's bronze 'Ely' was moved safely to Yew Dell Gardens for this year's Outdoor Sculpture Show.

A long day just got longer.

The next stop was at Judy Lanham's, to pick up some of her husband's sculptures.

6 of Don Lanham's stone sculptures were sited in the small stone courtyard at Yew Dell. I was very happy when they decided to feature Don's work in this year's show.

This is my favorite of the group.
Meg snapped this shot of a Luna Moth - I've always thought they were too cool!
Everything you two post is awesome. And I'd definitely read about a compressor install (or whatever) if you wrote about it.
Don, you are an art warrior! Did you get your truck stuck in Lanham's yard again? How many years has that been? Good luck at Yew Dell to both you and Meg.
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