Soon, Meg will have her own blog and I will supply a link when that happens. In the meantime, I will start with her list.
1. Meg installed a Black Granite Panther at the University of Northern Iowa in November.
She has to make a trip in the spring to oversee the installation of a bronze plaque and to get good pictures without snow.
2. Meg has a bronze fountain group for Louisiana State University which is almost ready to leave the foundry. She will install the fountain this spring.
3. Meg is 1 of 4 semi-finalist for a commission in Aurora, CO. She will fly out there in late March or early April for the presentation.
4. Meg just received the contract for the two 3/4 life-size figures for a memorial to Sister Emily Cooper and the 200+ children buried in Cave Hill Cemetary, Louisville, KY.
5. Meg is also designing a bronze and granite memorial for the son of a friend.
Now...back to me.

During the bad weather this winter, I did a serious re-do on a sculpture entitled Inspiration.
This work was just completed but I haven't been able to move it from the studio. It has been either raining or
snow/ice - and then the crane truck broke down.

This sculpture was finished in late January. It is "Man and Technology", IN Limestone, 7'H x 5' x 4' and will be in an outdoor sculpture show at Yew Dell Gardens, Louisville, KY from June 6- 26. It has been photoshopped into a spring background because the studio property right now is a dreary, muddy wintery mess.

This sculpture is to be installed in the City of Lafayette, Indiana sometime in the upcoming year. It is "Transcend", Indiana
Limestone, 78"H x 25" x 20".

This sculpture will be delivered to Lancaster, Pennsylvania in May. It is "Time Blossom", IN Limestone, 6'H x 4' x 4'.

Ice is the 'flavor' of the season. Photo by Meg White.
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