I spent the first couple days of the week figuring out how to attach the Dove to the Tree. This is a full scale clay model of the Dove, which will be carved from Colorado Yule Marble. There is a cluster of leaves that was custom fitted to the back of the Dove, and 2 branches that make a cross brace to hold the Dove securely.

I have begun the process of cutting leaf clusters from the branches with a sawz-all. I number the clusters on a photo of the Tree (in red ink in the lower right hand corner), and number the clusters as well, so that it will come back together correctly at the foundry.

I also use a register mark, to make sure that the cluster is properly oriented, when it is welded back together.

The rest of the week was spent cleaning up the clay work on the leaf clusters. This will continue all through next week, as well.
Saturday night, we were invited to a Halloween party at the home of Steve McMillen and Alice Kimble.

Peewee Herman was our host.

Dorothy and Scarecrow from the merry ol' land of Oz.

If you think your head hurts now...wait till the morning.

Lizard Boy and zombie dog have a tussle.

Two leather-clad rockers and a pumpkin.

A zombie and a Viking.

The trick is to know when to quit.

Cat girl...and in the background Peewee and something that's been dead for a while.

Gandalf brought fireworks to the party.

Whoosh! Lift off from the end of a wizard's staff.

A fiery Angel. (photos by Meg White)