The focus of my recent efforts has been to help Meg with her Reading Girl commission, mainly by staying out of the studio so that she can get something done. But I managed to sneak in some hours on a new project called "Changes". I really wanted to get into the Alabama marble that I bought last month.
This is the progress on the Indiana Limestone base.
This is the rendition for the design.
I haven't posted in the last 3 weeks, because a lot of my activities were quite boring: computer and equipment repairs, replacing the front door to the house, whacking weeds, plotting to overthrow world order. You know, the same old, same old. Nothing worth taking a picture and sharing with everybody.
...And speaking of not getting pictures. My cousin Kevin invited me to go to a Neko Case concert on July 17 in Indianapolis. His tickets were FRONT ROW CENTER. (and they wouldn't allow photography!) We were less than 20 feet from Neko and the band - too cool.

Our cat, Oz, has a twisted sense of what's comfortable.

Jenni 'Fey Ray' Pollard sent me this and a 'hand full' of other pictures when she and her Mom, Mary Ann, were at Yew Dell Gardens on her birthday this last week.