I needed a piece of stone 3' x 3' x 1'-6" and my only option was to cut into this block that is 3' x 3' x 5'-6". I needed to slice this piece lengthwise anyway, to get the block for my upcoming project "Nexus".

a blog that will describe the day to day activities of a professional stone sculptor, living and working in a remote wooded area of Kentucky.This weekly pictorial diary is intended as a step-by-step guide for how to create monumental stone sculptures. It is also meant to be entertaining, as well as informative.
Sunday afternoon, I had a choice: either do some housework, or go for a bike ride and maybe a little exploring.
I notice that my floor needs sweeping, still my bike gently creaks.
Meg discovered that the huge culverts down by the slough (pronounced 'slew') were high and dry.
Meg and I took a splashy stroll down Flint Run in the Yellowbank Wildlife Area this evening while we were waiting for better light conditions to photograph the finished sculpture.
On a personal note, the week started with a big "Down" because of the death and funeral of my great uncle Elroy Cart. He lived on 300 acres that has been in our family since the original land grant of 1792. He made his own wine, which may account for his healthy longevity of almost 91 years.
The personal "Up" came on the weekend with the great wedding of my cousin Tara. It was one of the best weddings that I've ever been to - and it's been a season for weddings (3 in 3 weeks!).