Meg showed me this cave that she found when she and her sister Liz hiked the Otter Creek Trail around the park (8 miles). She can feel the blast of cold air coming up from the cavern.
a blog that will describe the day to day activities of a professional stone sculptor, living and working in a remote wooded area of Kentucky.This weekly pictorial diary is intended as a step-by-step guide for how to create monumental stone sculptures. It is also meant to be entertaining, as well as informative.
This is the sculpture that I will make over the next 2 weeks. It is entitled "Moments" and will be carved from a slab of Indiana Limestone approximately 6' H x 4'W. The polished ring represents 'Here and Now', the large circular form rising from the bottom is the next moment (the future) that will be the new "Here and Now". The other forms are old moments, receding into the past. Every evening, I read before going to sleep - and I can't help but think that those stories work their way into my sub-conscious, and then into my work. I just finished a book by Isaac Asimov titled Nemesis, that features someone looking from an observation dome of a space station onto a habitable world that is the satellite of a gas giant that orbits a red dwarf star. Can you see the influence?
This sculpture has been fairly restless. It's being set back upright with the gantry crane. Meg does the work, while I watch.
By the end of the week, I have refined and polished the 2 geometric rings. This is side B.
This is side A. The sculpture looks like it is nearing completion, yet there is quite a bit of finish work to do.
Waterfalls and wildflowers are the theme of this weeks extracurricular pictures.
This is the first year that I've noticed these White Trout Lillies.
These Yellow Trout Lillies are only around for a short time.
We went exploring up in Yellowbank Wildlife Management Area on this sunny Sunday afternoon. We followed a stony bottomed creek.
A little further down, we found this little waterfall and a secluded pool.
Further down the creek was another waterfall and pool. This one has a live tree that bridges across the top. It'll be a great place to sit between slides into the pool when it gets hot.