a blog that will describe the day to day activities of a professional stone sculptor, living and working in a remote wooded area of Kentucky.This weekly pictorial diary is intended as a step-by-step guide for how to create monumental stone sculptures. It is also meant to be entertaining, as well as informative.
This is Side B of the Water Bench. Again, Meg and I think that this should be the front.
I will install these benches at the Temple in this coming week.
There was a gathering at Bright Foundry last night in honor of Creative Time, a New York based firm, "who is handling the future direction of Public Art for the City of Louisville". For the $50,000.00 fee that they got, you'd think they'd be the ones throwing the party.
It was my intention to go to the Foundry pour-n-party, but I flaked out. After working all week in the winter conditions, I wasn't up to the 3 hour trip to stand around in the cold. Meg went to the gathering without me, and she'll be posting pictures on her blog. The link to her blog is in the upper right hand column.
And skipping way ahead...here is the nearly completed Air bench. I will supply detail shots of the inner carvings on next week's posting, when I should be finished completely with this project. The Air bench has a bushed texture that simulates clouds. There is also a forked chisel texture that was used extensively in the Water bench.
The weather was great this week for carving outside. However, it has now turned cold, which will make working outside less pleasant. Oh well...it is November.